5 Simple Ways to Show Care to Others

It only takes a minute to let your friends, family or your loved ones to know that they are valued, and you care !

Valentine's is here and I am asking myself, do I share my love with my loved-ones enough? Do they see that I love them?

Well, not every day I am telling my loved ones, friends or family that I love them but if I do so I really mean it!

Sometimes it´s difficult to say ‟I love you‟ to my family, because we never said that aloud when I was a child, but I think it is important to say I love you aloud. Our parents, or our love-ones should hear that.

How about you? Do you share your love enough?

Here are my 5 simple ways to show that you care for others:

1. Listen

Maybe this seems too obvious, but I can’t tell you how known and loved I feel when someone looks into my eyes and engages with what I am saying. Listening and paying attention to others when they speak is a sign of respect and a skill that will lead to deeper and better relationships. You'll also probably learn a lot more about your friends and your lovedones.

2. Surprise them with a little gift

When someone receives a surprise gift, even when there is no special occasion, it makes them burst with joy. So, it is very important in any relationship to fill the life of your loved ones with colorful joyous gifts to keep them going in life and to make them feel their importance in your life.

A small surprise—like a small gift or a handwritten letter—can be just as exciting as a large one.

3. Let them know you’re think of them

Letting someone know that you think of them is one way to show love and affection. Whenever you think of someone, it shows them that they are important to you. Just text them sms and say, I miss you !

4. Send them a picture of a fun memory

While some photos trigger memories that dampened the eyes, the majority of them trigger positive emotions - joyful and pleasant.

I find myself scrolling through my camera roll often. Sometimes when I run across a picture of me and a friend, I’ll text it to them, inviting them into the nostalgia. It’s a sweet way to remember the good times you’ve shared.

5. Ask them how you can bless or help them in the coming days

Asking for help builds connections by allowing others to share their information and resources and this in return shows people that you trust their ideas, consider them as competent and appreciate their advice. Offering to take one thing off their plate can make a world of difference.

I hope these suggestions inspire you. If yes, please share your thoughts and write me an e-mail or leave a comment on my Instagram. I would love to hear from you!

Hey guys, I really love you and appreciate that you are reading my blog and joining my yoga classes in Studio, online or on my on demand membership. Thank you for your trust. Happy Valentine's

Much love Martina


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